
The 35th Regiment of Foot, 1757 is devoted to the hobby of Living History. We portray the unit, and its followers, as they appeared during the Seven Years War in North America between the years 1756 to 1763.

In 2006 living history reenactors formed a volunteer group to portray this famous military regiment. The 35th Regiment of Foot is a living history reenactment unit that welcomes all those who wish to join the hobby. Unit members engage in the hobby of perpetuating our Country’s history through demonstrations and historical encampments at local, state and National Historic Sites, Parks, and Museums.

In camp, and on the field, our unit serves as a historical, educational tool for visitors. It is imperative that we portray our time period and unit effectively, and authentically. To this end, adherence to authenticity and period appearances should be upheld to every extent possible.

Our living history unit thrives on the diversity of its membership as well as the camaraderie that comes from everyone sharing in memorable events.

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