Interested in joining the 35th Regiment of Foot? Please, get in touch, and take the King’s Shilling!
Please, send us a message via facebook or stop by and see us at an event.
The Unit has complete researched information on where items may be purchased, ordered, or otherwise procured. New members should obtain a detailed equipment list before any purchase of uniform or equipment are made specific to the regiment. As with anything, ask a member before making a large purchase! Just because a Sutler sells it does not mean it is an appropriate reproduction to our time period or unit.
Many of the base items can be used for all of the impressions, should a member want to build out multiple portrayals. For example, all leather items and equipment can be used for either Light Infantry or Battalion, and with minor changes, or additions, can also be made suitable for Grenadiers.
Some members may have items that can be loaned to new members so that they may get acquainted with the hobby, and to reduce costs of getting started. Also consider that, at this time, much of the regimental procurement was done via “Cottage Industry” and as such was individually crafted to varying degrees. If you have even a small amount of skill in sewing, leatherworking, or metalworking, most, if not all of your kit could be produced by yourself!
In order to present the most accurate and historically correct impression, each new unit member should strive to outfit themselves in unit-researched uniforms, and equipment by the end of their first year of membership. Additional items, such as tentage, can be procured if the member wishes to camp where many of these moments in history actually took place!